236 Photos Categorized "Week 3 – Comparing media" (page 2 of 8)

Cherry Tomato Fungi (CMA vs PDA)

1. left plate is CMA & right plate is PDA Right Side of each plate: cherry tomato fungi (ignore left side of each plate) Top half of each…

Orange peel vs. Spinach

-Samples taken from an orange peel and a yellow spinach leaf. -The dark fungus from the spinach has almost taken over the PDA plate while it remained relatively…

Shower Fungi & Bathtub Fungi

1. left plate is CMA & right plate is PDA Left Side of each plate: Shower Fungi Right Side of each plate: Bathtub Fungi Top half of each…

Leaf vs fig… a clear winner

On the left of each plate is a section of a leaf, and the right has a piece of fig. The right petri dish contains PDA, and the…

Apple tart vs. Apple peel

-The plates contain samples from an already molded apple tart, and a section of an apple peel. -There is more fungal growth on the PDA plate especially for…

Air sample from bedroom air

I took a sample from my bedroom air (I have a lot of plants and do some urban farming so I thought it would be interesting). The PDA…

Old rice vs. bad apple

On these plates is a piece of old rice that my roommate left in the rice cooker (on the left), and a piece of a bruised apple on…

Salal leaf vs Potato

The two sources for these plates were a piece from a diseased Salal leaf (left), and a piece from a brown spot on a potato from my kitchen…

Decaying wood soil sample

The source for these plates was soil from inside of a decaying log which had hoof fungus growing on it. On the left is the PDA media and…

pond water vs. tap water

The left plate is PDA and the right plate is CMA. Each plate contains samples from pond water and tap water. no growth for the sample from tap…

Fig vs. cucumber

The left plate is PDA and the right plate is CMA. each plate contain samples from a moldy fig and a moldy cucumber. The growth rate for sample…

kitchen sink vs bathroom sink

The left plate is PDA, the right plate is CMA. each plate contains samples from kitchen sink and bathroom sink. The growth is much faster on the PDA…

dead plant

left media is PDA and right media is CMA. The plates contain samples from dirt (soil) and a leaf of a dead plant. (on PDA plate the soil…

2 types of bread

Left plate is PDA and right plate is CMA. The plates contain samples from an inorganic bread and a traditional Persian bread. fungi growth is much faster in…

Rotten vs Fresh Yellow Chives Samples

The plates contain samples from rotten yellow chives, and fresh yellow chives. The left plate is the CMA media, and the right plate is the PDA media. For…

Cilantro and Celery Plates

The plates contain rotten samples of cilantro and celery. The left plate is the CMA media, and the right plate is the PDA media. In both CMA and…

Rotten vs Fresh Pear Samples

The plates contain samples from a fresh pear and a rotten pear. The left plate is the CMA media, and the right plate is the PDA media. The…

Breezy Palm Tree Soil Sample

-The top two petri dishes are the top of the sample and beneath are the bottom pictures of the sample. The left side is the CMA medias and…

Dirty but Colorful Rain Water

-The top two petri dishes are the top picture, and the two beneath are the bottom picture. The left side plates are the PDA and the right side…

PDA vs CMA Soil Sample

The left plate is the CMA plate, and the right plate is the PDA plate. Both plates are soil sample taken from my backyard. Both plates in the…

Sample from swabbed table

This is a sample from swabbed table. The left side is the light part from the table, the right side is dark part from the table. Both plate…

PDA vs CMA Air Sample

The left plate is the CMA media, and the right plate is the PDA plate. Both plates are the air samples taken from my backyard, both plates were…

Petal or Root?

-On the left side, the plate is CMA and on the right side, the plate is PDA -In the left sides of the plates, labelled 12, there is…

The Attack of the Leaves

-On the left side, the media is CMA and on the right side, the media is PDA -In the left sides of the plate we have a hedge…

Sample from large plant

This is a sample from large plant. The left side is the stem of the plant, the right side is leaf of the plant. The CMA plate has…

Sample from composted coffee grounds

This is sample from composted coffee grounds. The left is CMA plate, and right is PDA plate. Both plates didn’t show much growth like other samples. There still…

Swabbing the Dust off the Air Vent/Bathroom Tile Grout Dust

-On the left side, the media is CMA and on the right side, the media is PDA -In the plates , on the left we have a swab…

Sample from small plant

This is a sample from small plant. The left side is the stem of the plant, the right side is leaf of the plant. The CMA plate has…

Sample from mango peel

Both of the plates are mango peel. The left is CMA plate, and the right is PDA plate. The growth rate of PDA plate is much faster than…

Bright Green Waxy leaf and Red Healthy Leaf

On the left side there is a sample of a healthy bright green waxy leaf taken from a plant which also had unhealthy cloudy looking leaves. On the…