This is also a sample swabbed from the disintegrating wooden fence beam where I found some orange globules growing. Funnily enough, none of the orange globs proliferated into…
This sample was taken from a swab of the rubber gasket lining the inside of my washing machine. The mold blew up and grew super quickly, spreading over…
This mold came from a diseased spotted leaf of an unknown plant from my grandparent’s garden. The mold was the only fungus that grew from this cutting of…
These two white puffs started growing on the side where I had taken a swab sample from an old disintegrating wooden fence beam. They started off growing as…
This colony was found on a partially diseaed plant leaf. The top (left picture)is soft and shows white that changes to light blue-green towards the edge. The bottom…
The source of this fungus is water from the toilet buckett The top (left picture) has a white fluffy and the bottom (right picture) is light yellowish. The…
This CMA plate contains a swab from my cat’s dry water dish. The mold in question is quickly extending throughout the plate. The thin, wispy hyphae climb to…