20 Photos Tagged "Trisha"

Banana slug colour mushroom

This mushroom was found poking up in amongst some foliage at the base of a tree, on the sunshine coast. The cap’s shape is depressed and arched with…

Wood lover

This fungus was found growing in large patches all over the trunk of a tree on the sunshine coast. The caps are campanulate, with a smooth, shiny, straight…

Wooly mane

This fungus was found growing on the sunshine coast in a patch of grass in a lawn. Easily identified by the distinct cap, that is parabolic and a…

Jelly fungus

This fungus was found growing on the top surface of a stump that looks as if it had been cut for a long while, found on the sunshine…

Coral fungus on the sunshine coast

This fungus was found poking out of some mossy ground cover along a trail on the sunshine coast of BC. This fungus is distinct as it as a…

veggie drawer soup

This sample was isolated from a carrot sitting in the bottom of the veggie drawer. This fungus has a distinct thick light brown fuzzy top, spread fairly quick…

Bud rot

This sample was isolated from a stem of a cannabis plant affected with bud rot. This fungus was the fastest to spread everywhere on its plate, sporulating very…

Bathroom window

This sample was isolated by swabbing a bathroom window. This fungus was one of the quickest to spread and grow as the sample was wiped across the plates…

Aloe vera roots

This sample was isolated from the roots of an aloe vera plant. This fungus appears to closely resemble a fusarium, with its deep purple colouring on the bottom…

Money plant leaf

This sample was isolated from a money plant leaf, it has a powdery white (outer part) and green (inner part) appearance, this picture was from 1 week of…

Garden soil dilution

This sample was a 1/4 of a teaspoon garden soil diluted in 1 1/2 tbsp unchlorinated water. An 1/8 of a teaspoon of the suspension was put on…

Carrot and money plant leaf

For this sample the left side of the plate has a piece of moldy carrot and the right hand side pieces from the same browning money plant leaf….

Swabs of bathroom shower and window

Swabs taken from a bathroom shower on the right, and the bathroom window on the left. Again faster fungal growth is seen on the PDA plate number 18…

Aloe and cannabis rot

These plates contain a sample of root material from an aloe plant on the left side, and a piece of rot affected cannabis plant stalk. Plate 20 being…

Air from basement bedroom

This plate contains an air sample taken from a basement bedroom, left open for 1 hour. Plate 7 is on CMA and plate 8 PDA. Plate 7 shows…

Fuzzy and withered looking carrot

This carrot found in the fridge crisper was held at 4 deg. Celsius when it developed this fungal growth. I am curious to see how fast this fungus…

Water growing aloe vera roots

Browning plant material was removed from the roots of an aloe vera plant growing in water. After this plant was struggling to stay healthy in soil, I removed…

Crested Gecko enclosure

I took an air sample from my crested gecko’s enclosure, leaving the plates open on the bottom of the cage for an hour. Gecko’s need a high humidity…

Water and moldy piece of blood worm

This sample was water from a fish tank filter and a piece of moldy blood worm found in the bottom of the tank. I have noticed prior to…

Cannabis plant that produced unusable buds

This fuzzy patch is one of many found on an indica strain cannibis plant. I was curious about seeing the fungus that ruined this plants production this season,…