These are tiny brown mushrooms growing in crack within a wooden pole. The caps are conic with striate margins and rugose surface. There is no partial veil, and…
This is a cream/beige coloured mushroom found off the side of the sidewalk near my house. There were other mushrooms in the same area but there didn’t seem…
This fungus was isolated from birdbath water and is growing in PDA. Compared to the other fungi growing on the plate, this one stood out because the mycelia…
This is another colony that was collected from an air sample next to my garden, although this one was growing in PDA. The colony is homogenously white on…
Two leaf samples from two different strawberry plants (one healthy, one unhealthy) were plated on the petri dishes. The leaf tissue on the left side of the plates…
I found these dandelions hiding between some leaves in a park I was walking through. I was pretty surprised to see them since it’s Fall, but I thought…
I took a red leaf from my strawberry plant (that I did not really take good care of – the strawberries will probably never turn ripe). This strawberry…