I found this mushroom while hiking in Lynn Valley, not too far from the main parking lot (so fairly high up and away from running water). It had clearly been chewed at the base by something and possibly carried away, so I don’t know what it was growing on. It was quite large, about 10cm across and with the stem slightly shorter than that. The top was a dark purplish-red with slightly lighter edges, convex & somewhat decurved with an entire margin. The cap surface was smooth and velvety. I did not find a partial veil or cap, and the gills were horizontal adnate, subdistant, and broad, with entire edges. The stem was central, terete, flexuous, and smooth, and was white. The gills were sort of cream-coloured. I think this is a Russula sp., and specifically I think it might be Russula hypofragilis or maybe Russula firmula? There’s way too many similar Russulas to be able to make a positive species ID here.