I found this mushroom hiding amongst bushes and it was growing in the dry, “gravely” soil. This is a gilled mushroom and the other features are: Cap Shape-plane (flat), Cap Margin- appendiculate and kind of crenate as well, Cap Surface Features-scales appressed, Partial Veil Features-not visible to me, Attachment of Gills-adnexed (almost free), Breadth of Gills-narrows with average thickness, Gill Spacing- close, Edges of Gills- eroded, Location of Stem-central, Shapes of Stems-equal, Bulbs & Volvas-can’t really tell what type it is, Stem Surface-fibrous. I had a hard time figuring out what type of mushroom this could be. But after some research, I think it resembles somewhat to Lepiota subincarnata because of the scales on the cap. And the stem also looks pretty similar to the unknown mushroom b/c of the brown woody colour. In the picture I saw of Lepiota, I thought they were also growing in a similar habitat (bushes) like my unknown mushroom.

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