I found this mushroom while hiking in Lynn Valley, as it was growing directly on the trail. It was growing from the wood of the boardwalk, and might be the cutest mushroom I found. Its cap was smooth and parabolic, with an entire edge. It had no partial veil or cup. The gills were adnexed and fairly narrow, with even edges. The stem was quite long and thin, and it was central and terete, and somewhat flexuous. The stem surface was smooth. The whole mushroom was yellow-orange, and the stem was darker and was more orange-brown. The cap was under 1cm across, and the stem was maybe 2 or 3 cm long. I believe this mushroom is Gymnopilus bellulus, according to https://www.alpental.com/psms/PNWMushrooms/PictorialKey/Gymnopilus.htm, because it looks essentially identical and shares the same features.

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