300 Photos Categorized "Week 2 – Sources" (page 3 of 10)

What do you sink?

I took of sample from the backsplash of my family’s kitchen sink. We use this sink many many times a day and inevitably get water onto the tiles,…


The bin in our backyard releases a lot of liquid from the compost that we put inside of it, which drips down the acrylic sheet into the soil…

Bruised apple

I took a sample from this bruised and mushy looking apple. I chose this sample because it seems like this apple is on the verge of molding, and…

Dirt from a houseplant

I took a sample from the dirt in one of my houseplants. I chose this because I want to see what kind of molds may be growing in…

Diseased Salal bush

I chose to sample a leaf from a live Salal shrub, the leaves of which had interesting dry/brown spots. I chose this because I wanted to see what…

Decaying log

I took a dirt sample from inside this decaying log which had a hoof fungus on it. I chose this because I thought it would be interesting to…

Yellow leaf on my plant

I chose to sample a piece of this dying leaf from one of my houseplants. I chose this because this leaf had turned yellow and died on my…

A piece of old mango skin

The sample source is a old mango from the compost bin. I use the skin of the mango as a sample because the skin is browning. The edge…

The coffee grounds

The sample source was some coffee grounds in a compost bin. I use it as a sample because some coffee grounds looked moldy. I would expect to see…

A parlour palm tree

The sample source was a parlour palm tree. I use the top part of the leaf as a sample. The top part of the leaf become brown compare…

A died plant

The source of the sample is died small plant. I use the leaf and the stem as sample is because the bottom of the stem looked moldy, it…

A wooden table

The source is a wooden table in a community park. The reason I use the table as a sample is because part of the top surface of the…

I could not leaf it alone

I found a leaf from a large tree that seems to be decomposing from the tip. Since the rest of the leaf is green, it should have fallen…

Apple bottom jeans….

This is a fresh apple. Or is it? There are no blemishes on the peel, but the stem has a slight fuzz. It could just be a normal…


This is a pond at a local park where you can often see ducks swimming around. The good part is, the water looks clean. The bad part is,…


I neglected a grapefruit for who knows how long, and I found it all dried up and dusty. There were some black spots forming and wisps of what…

What the fig

I found a decaying fig still attached to a fig tree. It was obviously eaten by some insects but also had something white covering most of the damaged…

Squishy Moldy Pepper

A green pepper that had little mold spots that I tried to save by keeping it in the freezer, only to see that the mold has spread after…

Moldy apple strudel

Apple strudel from Walmart. Even with its undoubtably high amount of preservatives the strudel started to mold quickly so I was interested in seeing what type of mold…

Sad vegetables reminding me to watch my food waste

I raided my kitchen to find a wilted head of lettuce and a moldy onion. I sampled only the skin of the onion which were in contact with…

Diseased sword fern

This sword fern definitely stood out from the others. It has obviously been impacted by some disease that has bleached the leaves. I am interested to see what…

Yellowing Parsley Leaf

Isolated leaf tissue from a parsley plant that was starting to yellow. The yellowing seems to be causing the leaf to slowly die off. I do not expect…

Interesting tree stumpI

I noticed this tree stump which had a variety of moss and fungi growing on it. It offers an already thriving mini ecosystem and I wanted to sample…

Strange seedpod

I found this tree seed pod which had started to turn black. I was interested to see if the deterioration was from a fungus.

Sad Tomato vs Happy Tomato

I isolated tissue from a couple of homegrown tomatoes. One was from a tomato showing rot on the bottom, and the other was perfectly healthy. I chose this…

Water in a bucket.

1、Accumulated water stored in toilet buckets. 2、This stagnant water has been sitting here for a long time and I’d like to know how much fungus is in it….

Rotting cabbage

1、Cabbage found in the house. 2、This cabbage has been sitting for a long time and the surface is starting to rot badly. 3、I’m guessing there’s a lot of…

rotten pomegranate

1)、I found this pomegranate in my fridge. 2)、This pomegranate has been sitting for a long time and the surface is starting to rot. 3)、I’m guessing there’s abundant fungus…

Soil in flower pots

1) Soil taken from flower pots. 2) Soil are what fungi grows on. 3) Moderate amount of fungi because there are some white spots in the soil that…

Discoloured Leaf

I found a discolored leaf in a pot at home. I decided to choose this leaf because this leaf has the brown spots compared to other leafs from…