20 Photos Tagged "Sierra"

Neighbour’s mushrooms

I found a group of these mushrooms on a lawn in my neighbourhood. Their cap is either cushion shaped or saucer shaped, with an indent in the centre….

Camouflaged mushrooms

These mushrooms were found camouflaged in the rock path between my house and our fence. They are not in the best shape and are quite dirty but seem…

Big mushroom in yard

These mushrooms were found in my backyard, growing in the grass. They are an orange/brown with a virgate, uplifted and undulating cap. no obvious partial veil features seen….

Shelf fungus on tree stump.

This fungus was found on an old tree stump in my backyard. The cap is uplifted and dimidiate, as well as undulating. If you look closely, you can…

Mushroom in the grass

These mushrooms were found on a patch of grass beside the road in a residential area of Tsawwassen. It has a bullet shaped, scaly cap. There is no…

Nasty window sill.

The mold on this CMA plate is from a swab of my window sill. It is a translucent, thin and white mycelia with black dots in it. It…

Water dish mold.

This CMA plate contains a swab from my cat’s dry water dish. The mold in question is quickly extending throughout the plate. The thin, wispy hyphae climb to…

“Lettuce” identify this mold!

This mold on this CMA plate is from a piece of romaine lettuce. It is a light pink colour on both the top and bottom with a white…

More proof that cat ears are gross.

On either side of this CMA plate is a swab taken from one of my cats ears. The mold in question is a small, fuzzy, white bump. It…

Cat ears are gross

On either side of this PDA plate is a swab taken from one of my cats ears. The fungi in question is a light greenish-grey on the top…

Inside the washing machine and gross water bowl

These plates include swabs from the inside of my washing machine (7a) and a swab from my cats water dish that had run dry (7b). (Don’t worry, they…

Green Soil from dead succulent :(

This soil sample was taken from the container of a small succulent that died a while ago and recently showed a green coating on top of the dirt….

Succulent leaf vs air plant leaf

These plates have a leaf from my succulent (1a) and a leaf from my air plant (1b). The left plate is CMA, the right is PDA. Neither plates…

Lettuce and Rice Cracker

These plates contain a romaine lettuce sample (8a) and a rice cracker sample (8b). The CMA plate is on the left, the PDA plate on the right. There…

Garbage Can and nasty Window Sill

These plates contain a swab sample from the inside of my garbage can (2a) and my window sill (2b). The CMA plate is on the left, the PDA…

Water sample from propagated pothos.

I took a water sample from this glass where I put propagations from my mom’s pothos plant that have been sitting in here for way too long. I…

Window sill with cute little bird sticker!

I took a swab sample from the corner of this window sill. I chose this spot because it is where the window opens, so you get air from…

The inside of my garbage can.

I took a swab from the bottom surface of the inside of my bedroom garbage can. I chose this spot because, at first glance it appears quite clear,…

Dead succulent with a green covering on the soil (I am a bad plant mom)

I took a sample of the green soil surrounding this succulent that I accidentally killed.. I have no idea why this plant died, but after it did this…

Sad little dying succulent.

I took a small sample of a leaf with the white fungi on it. I chose this item because I recently noticed this white fungus appear out of…