20 Photos Tagged "Robin"

Little Tiny Boys

Where was it? Found growing in forest soil in Burnaby Characteristics? Very small mushrooms with a toasted looking cap Cap shape: convex umbonate Cap margin: split Cap surface…

Small Purple Mushrooms

Where was it? Found in a wooded area in Burnaby growing on a dead and rotting log Characteristics? Pinkish/purplish to white caps, very small and thin stemmed. Cap…

Little Orange Jellies

Where was it? Found on a fallen stick in a small forested park after heavy winds in Burnaby Characteristics? A slime mold found as a bright orange cluster…

Little Potato

Where was it? In the grass near a sidewalk in a Burnaby alley Characteristics? Looks like a little potato, but when opened up has lots of black tissue….

Lots of yellow mushrooms

Where was it? This fungus was found on a rotting log in a city forest. There were very large clusters and it was numerous all over the log….

Prayer Plant on CMA

This colony was found on a healthy leaf off a diseased prayer plant plated on CMA. The top is powdery and shows clear rings. It is a creamy…

Unhealthy Mandarin Flexes it’s Fungi

This colony comes from a molding portion of a mandarin’s skin plated on CMA. The colony is very fluffy looking on the top, like freshly fallen snow or…

Nasty Pear Takes Over

This sample was taken from a rotting pear and a leaf of parsley plated on PDA. The pear sample had a fungi that has taken over the entire…

More Sea Monkey Samples

This sample was taken from a sea monkey tank and is plated on PDA. The top of the fungi is a fuzzy brownish green and grows in a…

Sea Monkey Water Makes a Big Comeback

This sample of sea monkey water has started to show some interesting growth. I took some water from my long lived sea monkey tank and this sample is…

Dirt from a Lavender Plant’s Pot (On PDA and CMA Media)

These plates are soil samples taken from a pot on my balcony that contains a lavender plant. PDA is on the right and CMA is on the left….

Gross Pear and Depressed Parsley (On PDA and CMA Media)

These plates are halved with a rotten pear’s flesh on the left and a single leaf of parsley on the right. CMA plate is on the left and…

Death of a Jade Plant (On PDA and CMA Media)

This set of plates is divided in two. On the left is a healthy leaf tissue sample from my dying jade plant and on the right is a…

Balcony Air on a Cold Day (On PDA and CMA Media)

These plates were left on my 3rd floor balcony for around 30 minutes. The left it plated on CMA and the right is plated on PDA. The PDA…

Sea Monkey Water ( No sea monkeys harmed in collection)

Both plates include a sample of water from my long lived sea monkey tank. PDA is on the left and CMA is on the right. I was expecting…

Balcony Air on a Cold Day

I left my Dishes on my balcony mid-day for around 40 minutes and then sealed them. I live next to a small green area, and there’s a tiny…

Years-old Bamboo (true birthdate unknown)

This bamboo has been living in this water for as long as I remember, it’s at least 6 years old, and I received it from someone who said…

Long-Lived Jade Plant Dying because of 2020

My very old jade plant has recently been shedding all of it’s leaves in a very short time (I suspect fungus gnats, so that’s why there is white…

Long Lived Colony of Sea Monkeys (Babies)

I took a water sample of my very old sea monkey colony (around 2 or 3 years old) and did NOT add any of my sea monkeys to…

The Pear of 2020

I found a very sad pear at the back of my produce drawer and noticed some mold on it already, so I isolated from that area. This pear…