This was found on the SFU hiking trails and growing on the ground with a pile of fallen leaves. The cap was pulvinate, with sulcate margins and rugose…
This was a sample from a stuffed animal shake on CMA. The top is green and fuzzy (from spores?) or chalky, with white/transparent edges. The bottom is greenish…
This sample was collected from rain drops falling from the sky on PDA. During the first week, this fungi was circular but slowly grew in size. The top…
Left PDA, right CMA. PDA has lesser penisillium growing. Both media looks like it does about the same. There are no major differences to size or shape of…
Left CMA, right PDA. CMA has more penicillium on the left. Sparse black mold with half penicillium. PDA has larger black mold and smaller penisillium pactches. PDA media…
Left PDA, right CMA. Growth looks very similar in both plates. PDA plate has more green stuff and some black speckles. The PDA media is better. Growth seems…