This cool mushroom was found growing on a grassy patch that is covered with dead spruce leaves. The patch is covered in shade by the large spruce and it is very wet due to collecting rain.
The cap is smooth and relatively flat with a small bump in the centre, with a small depression around this bump at the centre. I would say the cap shape would be a mix between flat and papillate. It is sulcate with grooves at the cap margin. It does not possess a partial veil.
The mushroom is gilled. Its gills are sinuate and narrow. The gills are average in thickness and are close in spacing. The edges of the gills are even.
The stem location is central and the stem is rounded. The bulb from the picture looks fusiform.
I would i.d. this mushroom as Inocybe spp. due to these features. Comparing it with the Mushroom Up! webpage for mushroom identification, it looks most close to Inocybe whitei.