This plate is the PDA plate of a banana peel sample. The mold I am trying to identify is the one pointed to by the red arrow. This specific mold came from a sample that was taken from one of the brown patches on a banana peel. From the top, this mold seems to have a white outline that seems somewhat translucent, the middle of this mold looks to have a yellowish patch of solidified goo-like substance. From the bottom of the plate, there also seems to be a white outline around the patch. The patch is also green from the bottom, but the green is much lighter than from the top. From this information, this mold seems most like Pencillium chrysogenum, mainly attributed to the patch being green with white outline. The middle of the plate seems to be the most conflicting part of the ID, but this patch could either be another species of fungi or bacteria, or it could be the green slime patches found on Penicillium chrysogenum, just that the patches merge together to look like a big blot.