This shows a green leaf on the right and brown leaf on the left. The top plate is PDA media and bottom is CMA media. there is significant growth on all both media and both of the leaves. If we look at the brown leaf on CMA media, there seems to be more dark fungi, and larger spread of pink/red coloured fungi compared the brown leaf on PDA media which seems to have an additional yellow fungi colony but smaller spread of dark and pink fungi growth. The green leaf on the PDA media has more red/pink and orange fungi growth but fewer dark fungi growth compared to the green leaf on CMA. The green leaf on CMA also has light pink and some red fungi growth. Overall, both of the media show significant fungi growth and both have lots of diversity of sizes and colouration. The CMA media would be better to grow the dark fungi as it has more in both the green and brown leaf compared to the leaves on PDA media. however, the PDA media seems to have more growth of red and orange fungi so would be useful for growing those. Overall, there seems to be a larger spread of fungi growth in the CMA media making it a useful media to grow fungi.

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