The left plate is PDA and the right plate is CMA.
each plate contain samples from a moldy fig and a moldy cucumber.
The growth rate for sample from cucumber is almost similar in both plates and I think two different types of molds are grew from the cucumber sample. one is white and one is black. but the black colonies are much smaller than the white colonies. so the media from both plates are both favorable for fungi found on the the cucumber.
on the other hand, sample from the moldy fig is grew a lot faster on the CMA media compared to PDA media. almost more than half of the area of the CMA plate is covered by the fungi from the moldy fig. even though PDA is a rich medium for growing many types of fungi but CMA was more favorable for the fungi from fig, maybe the PDA plate was too rich for that specific fungi? or it had a nutrient that slowed down its growth? overall it didn’t provide the favorable condition for the fungi so not much growth on the PDA for the sample from moldy fig.