The source of this growth is from a piece of my dead plant from my bedroom. His name was Martin and he has lived a long life of two years but unfortunately his leaves have recently turned very brown, so i thought i would put him to good use and see if i could grow some fungus from his dead leaves. I broke a leaf in half and placed half on each plate. On the right is the PDA plate and on the left is the CMA plate. On the CMA plate, there appears to be some contamination, and interestingly, the growth looks completely different on each plate despite being from the same source. This leaf either had more than one type of fungus growing from it and each may prefer the opposite media, or there is some contamination going on. With that said, it is difficult to tell what media is better in this situation. Overall though, the PDA has a more clean looking growth in an equal amount as what is seen on the CMA plate.

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