Sampled from the air around my back patio. The bright yellow on the bottom of the colony immediately caught my eye. The colour is somewhat muted in this…
Sample taken from a brown leaf picked up from the ground outside my house. This fungi is growing somewhat irregularly as opposed to in a circle, and has…
Sampled from the air at my back patio. Fungi is growing in a round shape, with a somewhat powdery texture especially towards the center. a kind of steel-green…
Samples taken from a cone and needle of an evergreen tree. Fungi is a light yellow, tan-brown color, with tiny dark brown or black specks towards the tops…
This was taken from a small sample of a wilted cilantro leaf that was originally from the grocery store and stored in my fridge. It grew extremely fast…
This fungus was sources from my bathroom ceiling. It grew very fast and the colour, morphology and pattern appeared quickly as well. It has a very dark olive…
The fungi was isolated from an unknown plant from my backyard. Leaf tissue was used from this plant that was still physically attached to it. The top of…
This was taken from a water sample from a school creek nearby. This grew extremely slow and its morphology didn’t show up until the last 5 days before…
The fungi was isolated from soil sample taken from my backyard. The top mycelia is white and appears to be fur like with a sparse sparse growth density….
This fungus was isolated from birdbath water and is growing in PDA. Compared to the other fungi growing on the plate, this one stood out because the mycelia…
This is another colony that was collected from an air sample next to my garden, although this one was growing in PDA. The colony is homogenously white on…