Left PDA, right CMA. PDA has lesser penisillium growing. Both media looks like it does about the same. There are no major differences to size or shape of…
Left CMA, right PDA. CMA has more penicillium on the left. Sparse black mold with half penicillium. PDA has larger black mold and smaller penisillium pactches. PDA media…
Left PDA, right CMA. Growth looks very similar in both plates. PDA plate has more green stuff and some black speckles. The PDA media is better. Growth seems…
Samples taken from my bedroom windowsill. CMA on the left, PDA on the right. While there are a similar number of colonies on both plates, the ones growing…
Two leaf samples from two different strawberry plants (one healthy, one unhealthy) were plated on the petri dishes. The leaf tissue on the left side of the plates…
Small amount of soil from my backyard lawn was sprinkled onto the plates. The PDA (right) plate has mycelium covering the entire plate while the CMA (right) plate…
A six month old potato and a fresh apple from the same refrigerator were sampled. The sampled tissue included the skin and a bit of flesh directly under…
These plates each contain a sample from a swab of the underside of the compost bin lid. Both plates display high growth levels, but the PDA [left] shows…
Houmous [left] and broccoli [right] are plated here. There is little growth present from either sample on the PDA [left]. The broccoli has small amounts of fungal growth…
Cat mint [left] and kale [right] leaf pieces are present on each plate. There looks to be two different fungi growing from the cat mint, both are growing…
Pieces of hydrangea and spinach leaves are plated on these media. There is substantial fungal growth from the hydrangea [left], compared to the spinach. There is little growth…
The top PDA media contains a brown leaf sample from my indoor plant (top section) and a healthy leaf sample from the same plant (bottom section). The bottom…
Sample 12 was a wilting rose that was collected from an overhang, sample 13 was wood collected from a splintering log. Both medias have formed massive cultures that…