These samples are samples of fruit. I noticed brown spots on an apple from an apple tree and decided to use this tissue to see what was growing on it. I also took a tissue sample of a tomato from my garden that was starting to brown. The mold growing on the browning tomato definitely loved the PDA more than the CMA. You can see a lot more white, fuzzy growth on the PDA. For the brown apple spot, both the CMA and PDA media seem to have a similar amount of growth. However, the PDA seems to have a thicker cluster of white fuzz around the tissue sample, so I will say that the better media of the two is the PDA. More growth for both tissues can be seen on the PDA overall. The browning tomato has mold growth that is white and fuzzy in appearance, and it has spread a lot. The brown apple spots have similar mold growth, except it has not spread as much and looks more dense.