This plate is the PDA plate of the samples taken from a rotten bok choy (left) and fresh bok choy (right). The mold originally came from the rotten sample, but it quickly overtook any molds that would’ve been found on the right, and eventually covered the entire plate. This mold has a growth rate that is the fastest of any of the other molds from my plates. From the top, the mold seems to have a yellowish color, with many brown spots that litter the entirety of the plate, making the overall color look brownish yellow. The bottom of the plate has a yellow texture, without any hints of brown. The bottom also seems to have a thread-like pattern to it. From this information, this mold’s characteristics matches the most to Mucor racemosus. There are some issues with this identification, mainly the lack of the tall thread-like structures that grow off the plate. Although difficult to tell in the picture, if the plate is looked at from the sides, there seems to be the beginnings of the characteristic tall thread-like structures, although this is mostly on the top of the rotten sample. Taking this into consideration, it could be that there has not been enough time for the threads to grow.