This plate is the PDA plate of a rotten pear sample and a fresh pear sample. The mold I am trying to identify is huge black patch of mold on the left of the plate. From the top of the plate, it has a black color, with very trace amounts of whites mixed in with the black. There also seems to be a white outline to this mold, although it looks slightly yellowish in the picture. The bottom of the plate has the same features, white outlines and completely black in the middle. This mold also seems to exhibit relatively fast growth rate, being the second fastest out of all of the other molds from my other plates. Considering the color and its whitish outline, this mold matches the best with Alternaria alternata. There doesn’t seem to be any rings patterns to my mold, but that could be attributed to the fact that I left the plate to grow in the basement the majority of the time, so there were no lights the majority of the time.