This was found in the extremely damp, plant material covered ground at Burn’s Bog. It is a false branched mushroom. It had a revolute cap shape, with a…
This was taken from a small sample of a wilted cilantro leaf that was originally from the grocery store and stored in my fridge. It grew extremely fast…
This fungus was sources from my bathroom ceiling. It grew very fast and the colour, morphology and pattern appeared quickly as well. It has a very dark olive…
This was taken from a water sample from a school creek nearby. This grew extremely slow and its morphology didn’t show up until the last 5 days before…
The PDA plate is the top and the CMA plate is the bottom. Both plates showed massive overgrowth with the wilted sample in comparison to the healthy one….
This is my bedroom windowsill that appears to have some black mold? This appears almost every seasonal change. I wanted to see if this really is some kind…
This is the ceiling of our bathroom that gets cleaned once a year since we often have some mold or bacteria growing constantly throughout the year. It hasn’t…