1. The left side of the plate is a sample of some orange blobs that I had found on an old wooden fence post. The right side of the plate is a piece of browning fig leaf from my small purple fig tree in my backyard.
2. On the CMA plate, I notice that there is the turquoise-grey mold at the upper-left which is much smaller on the PDA plate. However, the fig leaf sample on the CMA plate does not seem to be growing the same types of mold (flat, brown, spotted) that are present on the PDA plate (two white fluffy molds, one with a pink base and one with a white base).
3. The PDA plate is better for isolating molds from the fig leaf and they seem to be growing quite dense and quickly. CMA media seems to be isolating a different type of mold from the fig leaf, but it is growing much slower.
On the other hand, the CMA plate is better for isolating molds from the fence post swab as the mold is much larger and more developed than on the PDA plate.