This cool mushroom was found growing on a grassy patch that is covered with dead spruce leaves. The patch is covered in shade by the large spruce and it is very wet due to collecting rain. This one specifically was also growing next to a wooden post.
The cap shape is a plane with an even edge. The cap surface is warty.
The gills are adnate and narrow with even edges. They are of average thickness and they are crowded together in terms of spacing.
The stem has a partial veil that seems to be a single ring. It looks a bit wavy and dried out. The location of the stem is central and its shape is terete. The stem surface seems fibrous and the bulbs are unknown from the picture.
I would i.d. this mushroom as an Amanita spp., specifically pantherinoides due to the features listed above. I picked that specific species from the Mushroom Up! website as it most closely resembles the mushroom, and its features are similar to what I found, save for the cap colour and the colours of the warts.